Oct 6, 2009

Notes From A Conference Part 2

I am stuck again on my story involving the toy rocket. I've turned to going through my notes from the conference for help. One of my breakout sessions is proving to be very helpful! "Picture Books: Start to Finish" was a session led by author of the Boomer series, Constance McGeorge. Here is her advice that I'm trying to apply to my current predicament...
- Wrap a story around your idea
- Economy of language- Don't Be Redundant!!
- Find an emotion or theme when stuck
- Illustrators like a variety of venues to create
Will this wisdom get me through my writer's block? I sure hope so. Tomorrow is writers' group, and those ladies always deliver the goods. They are a great group of writers, and a great group of honest, thoughtful critics . I don't think I can show up with a crumbled piece of paper and watery eyes.

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